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Rachael Wonderlin

Founder and CEO

Rachael Wonderlin is an internationally-recognized dementia care expert and educator. She has a Master’s in Gerontology and is a Johns Hopkins University Press three-time published author. Rachael is the owner of Dementia By Day, a dementia care consulting firm and education company. While Rachael works primarily with senior living companies looking to build or better their dementia care programs, she also loves educating dementia care partners through her blog, podcast, and YouTube channel. She has been featured in Senior Housing News, The Washington Post, Forbes and on PBS Next Avenue. Her “16 Things I’d Want If I Got Dementia” poem has circulated the globe many times over. One of Rachael’s clients, English Meadows, won first place in Senior Housing News’ 2022 Aspect Awards for their brand launch of Lavender Hills—a brand Rachael worked closely with them to build. Rachael accepted the University of Mary Washington's "Outstanding Young Alumnus" award in 2020 and, the same year, accepted an award from University of North Carolina at Greensboro for "Distinguished Graduate School Alumnus." Dementia By Day was a Gold Sponsor for the Senior Housing News' BRAIN Conference in July 2023.

July 1, 2024

Meet Rachael Wonderlin {Dementia by Day}

Rachael Wonderlin is an internationally-recognized dementia care expert and educator. She has a Master’s in Gerontology and is a Johns Hopkins University Press three-time published author. Rachael is the owner of Dementia By ...

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